Process & Policies


  1. ‣‣      Focusing on clients who are involved in business activities or entrepreneurs who intend to start business activity with the loan being provided. Preferring of clients with good business track record and vintage.

  2. ‣‣      Clients with proper KYC (Know Your Customer) documents via Aadhaar card and Voter ID duly verified with UIDAI through OTP. The systems are QR code enabled, so that the Aadhaar card information can be auto-filled in the document without any error during the on boarding process. Clients Identity is verified through biometric authentication.

Credit Assessment process

  1. ‣‣    Sourcing of clients within a radius of 10 kms from the servicing branch.

  2. ‣‣    In total 18 variables (such as Age, Education, Residence Location , House (Own or rent or Lease), Dependents in the family, Total Income, Expenses, FOIR, ID cards (Aadhaar and Voter 1D), Vintage of the business?, Performance of the business , stock value , Business / shop ownership, Is the shop owned or rented , current outstanding of the borrower, Tenure, and term (Short term or Long term) of loans availed are considered for arriving at the scores for clients to determine the loan amount which can be considered for the client.

  3. ‣‣    Minimum credit score of 730 needed to avail a loan in general but a slightly lower credit score of 700 is considered in certain scenarios given the fact that the client has a good repayment capacity.

  4. ‣‣    When the client score is high, they can be considered for higher loan products.

  5. ‣‣    The credit manager carries out a complete credit assessment of the clients business and repayment capacity and a report is provided , on the grounds of the report the loan sanction amount is decided for that particular client.


  1. ‣‣    During the loan documentation process, customer are briefed about the loan sanction terms and conditions especially loan amount, interest rate, processing fees, insurance amount and the repayment term.

  2. ‣‣    Customer’s signature is obtained in the loan application , promisary note and loan sanction letter for having accepted and understood the terms and conditions of the organization.


  1. ‣‣    Within 24hrs of receiving the loan application, the sanction will be given after completing the backend processes.

  2. ‣‣    If in case of loan rejection after signing process , rejection letters must provide the grounds for the rejection in each situation.


  1. ‣‣    In order to ensure the client is aware of the loan, loan amount , repayment terms and to cross check he client , checking process is carried out through tele calling before loan disbursement.

  2. ‣‣    The loan amount is directly credited in the client’s bank account provided.


  1. ‣‣    The client is provided with an app from the company to track their due number , due amount , outstanding and also the clients can make payments from the app on the installment due date.

  2. ‣‣    The repayment is collected on a weekly basis that is in the form of weekly installments. The number of weekly installment changes with respect to each product.

  3. ‣‣    The repayment can be done be client also via UPI and NACH(ECS) payment option can also be provided to the client.